Unleashing the Truth: The Hypocrisy of African Migrant Protests at New York City Hall


As tensions continue to rise across America, the city of New York has become a hub for political activism and social justice movements. However, amidst the sea of progressive voices, a group of African migrants have sparked controversy with their recent protests at City Hall.

In a bold display of defiance, these individuals have taken to the streets to denounce what they perceive as "anti-blackness" in the city. But from a conservative perspective, are these protests truly justified or just another example of the left's misguided agenda?

Let us first delve into the events that led to this demonstration. In recent years, New York City has seen an influx of African migrants seeking refuge and opportunity. While their arrival has been met with open arms and opportunities for integration, it seems that some have not fully embraced the values of their new home. Instead, they have chosen to highlight the issue of "anti-blackness," painting a bleak picture of the city and its treatment of people of color.

But is this narrative truly reflective of the reality? Let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture. New York City has long been hailed as a melting pot of diversity, with individuals from all walks of life coexisting and thriving.

The city has also implemented various initiatives and policies to promote inclusivity and combat discrimination. Yet, these African migrants have chosen to ignore these efforts and instead perpetuate a narrative of victimhood.

Furthermore, their chosen location for the protest, City Hall, holds a significant place in American history and serves as a symbol of democracy and progress. It is highly disrespectful to use such a revered space to spread false claims and instigate unrest. It begs the question, what is the real motivation behind these protests? Are they truly seeking to address genuine issues or simply using it as a platform to push their own agenda?

Moreover, these protests have garnered attention and support from many left-leaning politicians and activists. It is no secret that the left has long utilized identity politics and race-baiting as a means to divide and conquer. By aligning themselves with these protests, they are once again attempting to sow seeds of division and further their own political agenda. This is a dangerous game that only serves to harm the very communities they claim to advocate for.

As conservatives, we believe in personal responsibility and accountability. We acknowledge that while racism and discrimination do exist, it is not the sole factor responsible for the challenges faced by minority communities. It is time for these African migrants to take ownership of their own lives and strive for success, instead of playing the victim and blaming others for their perceived struggles.

In conclusion, the recent protests at New York City Hall by African migrants are nothing more than a display of false outrage and a means to advance the leftist agenda. As Americans, we must reject these tactics and instead work towards unity and progress for all. Let us not be fooled by the divisive rhetoric and instead focus on the true values of our nation – equality, liberty, and opportunity for all.

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  1. Laws passed in this country have given blacks advantages over all other races of people. They got ahead of others not by effort or being more educated but just because of race. Yet with all the advantages they continue to fail and blame others. Look here and everywhere blacks are in charge and all you see is failure. Yet even where there isn’t any other race in charge when they fail they continue to blame others but mostly white people. The African nations were there long before there was a U.S. and that being true should have been leaders of the world instead of the disaster they are.

  2. If they all came into our country illegally, they have no rights and no cause to protest. Either put them in jail or deport them. That is just “common sense”.

  3. Has nobody mentioned that these migrants are illegally in our country, and they are protesting the negative treatment they receive, which is hypocrisy at its finest. They should be in prison or deported back to their home country. They have no right to be here while others who enter legally should receive all the benefits of citizenship. They only attempt to destroy our democracy, instead of trying to change the policies of their own country to make it a better place to live.

  4. All of our ancestors came to this great country because they wanted to be American. They learned the language and culture, and they assimilated into the American way of life. Lately, immigrants want to “change America” to be what they left. They left because they didn’t like where they were! Seems to me that, if people come here solely to protest and cause unrest, they need to be sent back to where they came from. That goes for people from anywhere else on this planet regardless of race, religion, or anything else for which they claim to be discriminated against.

  5. we already learned a lesson about people. we have lots af data to prove it. sorry to the 10 recent of these people that are good people ,blame the 90 percent that are not. not me.

  6. They don’t like being here … SEND THEM BACK ON THE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN’S DIME. As for the left; let’s hope America has had enough of their horse hockey and VOTES THEM OUT.

    • They don’t like not having the free, all expenses paid for. They do not want to work or be responsible for themselves.
      Regardless of point of entry, they need to be sent back to their country of origin. If the country does not want them back, drop them off 10 feet from the African shoreline.

      City Hall has no excuse to say they do not have facial recognition. The Capitol used that to arrest people for invading the Capitol Building.

  7. Need to stockpile fire extinguishers, shotgun ammo, grenades, and a few firebombing drones for the attacking crowds forming in your yard

  8. New York City has become a cesspool. With illegals, crime rampant this city is dying.
    Of course Bragg & James say the city is doing well but I bet tourism is down. ANd, if crime has lessened then why did the governor send in the national guard. The numbers & facts speak differently.


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