White House Aides Bar Biden from Walking Alone


As the country watches the new administration take its first steps, reports have surfaced that White House aides are prohibiting President Biden from walking solo. This startling revelation has sparked controversy and concern among conservative voices, who are questioning the motive behind this seemingly mundane restriction.

According to sources within the White House, aides have been instructed to always accompany President Biden whenever he is walking, whether it be within the White House grounds or outside. This directive, allegedly put in place by the President's team, has raised eyebrows and has been met with skepticism from those on the right.

Many are wondering, why would the leader of the free world be prohibited from taking a simple stroll without the supervision of his team? Could there be underlying health concerns that the public is not being made aware of? Or is there something more sinister at play?

Some conservative commentators have suggested that this restriction may be an attempt to control and censor President Biden's interactions with the public. By limiting his movements and ensuring he is always accompanied, they argue, the administration can carefully curate his public image and prevent any potential gaffes or slip-ups.

Others have speculated that this may be a sign of a larger issue at hand – that President Biden may not be as capable or independent as he presents himself to be. In fact, some have gone so far as to question whether he is truly in charge of his own decisions and policies, or if he is merely a puppet being controlled by his team and handlers.

This restriction on President Biden's solo walks has only added fuel to the fire for those on the conservative side, who have been vocal in their criticisms of the new administration's policies and actions thus far. From border control to the economy, many have been quick to point out the failures and missteps of the current administration.

Furthermore, this latest revelation has raised concerns about the transparency and accountability of the Biden administration. With the President seemingly unable to take a simple walk without being monitored, how can the American people trust that they are being given the full and honest truth about what goes on behind closed doors in the White House?

In the end, whether this restriction on President Biden's solo walks is a matter of controlling his image or a sign of a larger issue, it has only added to the growing divide between the left and the right. As the country continues to navigate through uncertain times, it is clear that tensions and suspicions between the two sides will only continue to rise. And for conservatives, this restriction on President Biden's freedom to walk alone may just be the latest example of the hidden agendas and manipulations of those in power.

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  1. The USA would be much better off if the entire Biden Administration was locked up in his basement until Jan 20, 2925. Heaven knows President Trump already has plenty of their stupid messes to clean up now.

  2. How incredible that America has come to this point…that we have a leader of the free world who needs caregivers who have to look after him! Of course Americans have known all along that this man’s mental capacity is lacking. Most of America is aware that he is simply a puppet for his handlers! How pathetic that he cannot put two sentences together on his own, and can only rely on what his handlers have written for him…PAUSE!

  3. No president is totally in control. The real power is the mafia of the Roman Catholic church, the Jesuits. Daniel 7 and Rev. 13 describe a beast, a kingdom, which is Rome/Vatican city.. As the church of the Dark Ages, using the civil powers, persecuted those who kept the commandments and obeyed God the Creator, so shall it do so again in these last days, persecuting those who keep the commandments, the 7th day sabbath of the lord. For Sunday worship is the Mark of the Beast, and Saturday worship is the Seal of God.
    Look for a Sunday law to be passed in America, encouraged by the Sunday keeping protestant churches, the False Prophet of Rev.

  4. I and all America have known about Bidens puppety for a long time now and to let this go on is an American tragedy! How much longer will this shadyness happen right under our noses before our country emplodes or has it already happened. We can’t continue on with the Biden administration Any longer! He has destroyed our beautiful country and I’m afraid we will never get it back!

  5. It may be nothing more than regard for his health. People need to get their heads out of their butts.

  6. Biden has been in a mental decline for the past 3 years, so this is nothing new. They simply realize he is getting worse, needs help walking, is becoming more frail. They think this can be hidden from the public which of course it cannot. But the demos live in a world of pretense. Americans are angry, fed up with lies, failed policies. We want our country back before it was stolen in 2020. We want Trump to put things right & Biden to get out.

  7. I honestly believe that if Trump gets back into the White House, and he starts to decline like Biden he will resign for the good of the nation.


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